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Windscale nuclear accident contaminates cows' milk - 1957 British Pathe video

"Archive British Pathe footage of a 1957 news report on radioactive dust escaping from Windscale atomic station (since renamed Sellafield)"


Sellafield: 'It was all contaminated: milk, chickens, the golf course'



Sellafield: 'It was all contaminated: milk, chickens, the golf course'

"Six decades after Britain's worst nuclear accident, an oral history of Sellafield reveals what it felt like to live near the plant. John Vidal reports"


Health benefits would outweigh cost of shipping pollution controls, say MPs

"Health savings estimated at £1bn a year would offset shipping job losses from tighter emissions limits, report shows"

Category: Transport, Pollution


Global accord on nuclear safety needed urgently - World Energy Council

"A year on from Fukushima disaster, council says safety in nuclear industry should be a 'collaborative, not competitive issue'"

Displaying results 46 to 50 out of 74